Sunday, May 31, 2015

How To Have More Money (Part 6)

This particular entry has been on my scrap book, but I have been debating with myself as to whether it is appropriate to fit it into this series on How To Have More Money.

I mean if somebody tells me that to stop drinking coffee so as to save some money, I will probably through up my arms and say, "Not now; not in the next twenty years, God willing."

It is a no-brainer, but if you are hooked on smoking cigarettes where it is not a job requirement and the doctor has not advised that you do so, then I would earnestly recommend that you aim for a smoke-free life, primarily, for health reasons. It would save you money now and also save you lots of money in predictable medical bills by steering clear of smoking-related diseases now.

The Health Promotion Board of Singapore (HPB) is an active proponent for leading a smoke-free life and you may wanna take a look at their "Go One Step Closer to a Smoke-Free Life" programme at the following link:- 

According to research, the chances of being smoke-free improve by 5 times in the first 28 days of kicking the habit and the programme offers the following adapted milestones to guide you towards the goal of smoke-free living:-

Day 1: Nicotine levels in your body drop and you start to feel slightly anxious.

Day 7: Breathing is easier, but cravings come at least 3 times a day.

Day 14: You're free from anxiety and your body is changing into a non-smoker's.

Day 23: Your brain receptors no longer respond to nicotine cravings.

Day 28: Physically and mentally, your body is back to how it was before you started smoking.

Upon your successful completion on Day 28, please feel free to share your story with HPB.

Even if you are not a smoker yourself, you may know someone who can benefit this and forward the following HPB's link on "Smoke Free Living" to him or her.

I am sure you can succeed if you find support and help from loved ones and external sources, have the will to change, are motivated by the benefits of smoke-free living, and/or are deterred by health hazards of smoking.  

With this, we wrap up Part 6 on how to have more money, namely: To Snub the Cigarette Stub for Good

As for my coffee drinking, outside of home a cup of coffee black from McDonald's or Burger King would costs around SGD 2.50. It would costs a lot more when it comes to Starbucks. 

Based on three cups of coffee a day over 23 working days in a month, this would work out to a neat sum of SGD 172.50. Thus, whenever practicable, I would resort to my coffee survival pack consisting of a stack of heat-resilient paper cups, a tin of coffee powder and boiled water from the office pantry. Sugar is optional now at my age, I am happy to report.

That's all for now, till I find the impetus to back off from coffee. Psst, the jury is still out that coffee has loads of health benefits. However, my advice is not to start on coffee, if you could help it.   

* Money is not the root of all evil. It is the love of money which is the root of all evil.
* Money is great servant but a terrible master.
* You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving.
* "Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich; restrain yourself! Riches disappear in the blink of an eye; wealth sprouts wings and flies off into the wild blue yonder." (Proverbs 23:4-5; MSG)

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