Saturday, June 6, 2015

A Dream That Drives You

This article is adapted from what Pastor Jentezen Franklin has preached regarding A Dream That Drives You. Please click on the following for the full message

Using the acronym DREAM. Pastor Franklin has expounded that:

1) A Dream will Distinguish You.
2) A Dream Releases Your Potential.
3) A Dream Encourageous You.
4) A Dream Affects Prevailing Attitudes.
5) A Dream will Motivate You.

The rest of the notes which I have gathered from Pastor Franklin are recollected as follow for your inspiration.

Your energy will be in proportion to your dream.

Dream-problems are the best problems.

Excuses are the crutches of the un-committed.

Dreams will demand integrity.

"For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. 
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry." -- Habakkuk 2:3 (NKJV)

What others believe about you is not as important as what you believe about yourself.

Keep believing in God and, also, keep believing in yourself.

Help others with their dreams while you wait for your dream to come true.

Dreams come when we get a PLAN:
a) PRAY it out.
b) LAY it out (Write it out).
c) ACT it out.
d) NAVIGATE it out.

A dream produces discipline.


Just to add-on with some thoughts ... When we Pray out our dream, it shows that we are serious about our dream. If our dream is not a top priority, it would not have the power to engage and captivate us so much so that we pray it out.

By laying or writing out our dream, we can see the blueprint of our dream and this will help us stay focus on the vision of our dream. Keep editing and refining the dream until it is concisely and elaborately what we aim to attain, and we can visualize it in our mind. 

We can keep this written dream in our wallet, mobile phone or notebook and review it at the start and end of each day and work out in our mind how it looks like -- the clearer, the better. What we watch on television is someone else's vision; we gotta have our own TV show running in our mind where we see ourselves working towards and realizing our dreams. 

Then, take actions which will move us along the direction of our dream. Be patient. Work on the dream consistently and make the sacrifices of resources. Think of the long-term rewards, which will be well worth all the efforts and sacrifices.

Setbacks are expected as we moved towards our dreams. When these giants of discouragements appear, we review and re-calibrate our action plans. If need be, we adjust our plans and take new actions so that we can move forward and not remain at status quo. When there is a will, we can find a way and achieve breakthrough. 

Most of the time we need to persist at the right thing that we have been doing repeatedly and correctly. But, we need to discern when it's time to change tack.

"Yes, it's true: We can't control the wind or the rain or the other vagaries of weather. But we can tack our sails such that we can steer the course we desire." -- Unknown

"In adversity, remember to keep an even mind." -- Horace

Dream bigger. Our dream is bigger than us and it will give us the drive to live life as a bigger person on the inside. And, make us a happier and more fulfilled person in the process so that we can become a greater blessing to our loved ones, as well.

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