Saturday, May 9, 2015

Inspiration from Your Bedroom

Inspiration is everywhere. Yes, even in your bedroom! The following is a circulated message, the source of which is as yet unascertained, which I have adapted and expanded.

Read it and be inspired, as well.

"In bed, I was asking myself, "what are some of the secrets to success in life?" 

I found the answer right there in my very room:

The bed said, "Be rejuvenated with a good night's sleep."

The exercise mat said, "Eat healthy and exercise regularly."

The fan said, "Be cool".

The roof said, "Aim high".

The window said, "See the world".

The calendar said, "Be up to date".

The clock said, "Every minute is precious".

The mirror said, "Reflect before you act".

The wash basin said, "Refresh yourself daily."

The comb said, "Groom well."

The glass said, "Drink seven glasses of water a day and stay hydrated."

The toilet said, "Flush the bad habits that will deter you from becoming someone influential in life!" 

The door said, "Push hard for your goals". 

The rug said, "KNEEL DOWN and PRAY". 

The Bible laughed and said, "READ ME FOR THE DIRECTION OF LIFE"."

If you do not have a Bible, fret not and click on the following link

For starters, I would recommend either New King James version or New International version. 

And, if you are new to reading the Bible, I would recommend you start by searching for the following books at "Proverbs", "Psalms", "Matthew", "Mark", "Luke" and "John".

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