Sunday, January 4, 2015

Awaken The Genius In You!

What if somebody tells you that you are a genius? And, you have never even in your wildest imagination thought of taking a Mensa test and, right now, you are living a downright ordinary life with zero noteworthy achievement. Well, in all probability you would reckon that the person must be out of his mind.

Take it from brain experts like Tony Buzan that your brain is a sleeping giant. Truth be told, your brain has close to 100 billion cells and each of them is inter-linked with about 20,000 other cells. Based on such a myriad of linkages, this means that you are capable of generating 100 billion to the 20,000th power of thoughts or ideas!  

That is all head knowledge and would not do you no good unless you use your brain more to work for you. For example, you have heard it often enough from people that they are in two minds when they are unsure about a matter.

What if you are told that you have actually three minds? First and obvious one, is your Conscious Mind. This is the physically alert state of mind that you use to receive and process incoming information by comparing them with your stored memories to make a snap decision on the fast lane or deliberated decision on the slow lane.

Not so obvious is the Subsconscious Mind. This is where you store every data, information, experiences, decisions or thoughts that have been filtered through and generated by your conscious mind. Whatever you accept as reality will be stored as such by your subconscious mind. If you affirm that you are a genius, then your subsconscious will record accordingly.

Then, there is the least known mind of all -- the Superconscious Mind (i.e., culmination of the unconscious). According to Brian Tracy in his book "Creativity & Problem Solving", "Your ability to tap into and use your superconscious mind on a regular basis is your key to unlocking your creative genius in every part of your life."

My theory is that the superconscious mind is what people label as 'at the back of my mind' or the back-burner. Remember, being on a holiday but not really feeling like you are on a holiday because of a gnawing problem? The superconscious mind is actually working constantly at the back of your mind. However, it is working against you because you are stewing the problem.

So, how do you activate the superconscious state of mind to work for you? My suggestion would be to focus on the positive rather than the negative; to search for a solution rather than nurse the problem or to set a new goal with new resolved rather than dwelling still on your missed goal (yes, you missed the first position in swimming by three seconds a year ago).

Get the positives into your subconscious in as many ways as you can: (i) Write down your quest for a solution or a dream as specifically as possible and review it daily (visualization); (ii) speak to yourself affirmative words so that your can hear it and not just think about it silently (auditory); and (iii) act out like you have achieve what you want to achieve (kinetic). 

Once, the subsconscious gets hold of what you want to attain in no uncertain terms, the information that is transferred to your superconscious mind will commence working for you non-stop and align your entire being so as to attract and work out a solution. Hey, you have billions of brain cells to count on. 

Come to think about it -- you've got something better than the folktale genie in a bottle who would only grant you a maximum of three wishes! Get real, go for it and awaken the potential genius in you!


Creativity & Problem Solving by Brian Tracy

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