Saturday, June 22, 2024

SG Food Culture: Soon Lee Stew Beef

It has been a while since I stopped by Soon Lee Stew Beef at Alexandra Village ("AV") Food Centre for some familiar tender beef and tendon served in a fire-pot.

Back when I was still in junior college, AV was a hot lunch spot for my classmates and I, and Soon Lee Stew Beef was one of my favourite haunt. Mr Edwin Tan Han Poh has been helming it now for the past few decades ever since his mother had passed on.

The flame below the claypot did a great job of keeping the stew piping hot. I was pleased with the portion of beef and tendon which were super generous indeed for SGD 8.00 while the rice costs SGD 0.70. For sharing with your makan kakis (meal buddies), you could order the SGD 10.00 or SGD 12.00 servings.

The meat was tender, top-notch flavourful, not salty and melted in my mouth. Yes, it was a familiar taste but even better than my previous experience some years ago as the meat was tastier with a smoother texture and not skewed by tinge of saltiness this time round. It is still the best beef stew ever for me.

While I sat down to partake my meal, Mr Edwin Tan asked whether I would like a bowl of soup and I was glad to take up his offer. My friend, that bowl of soup went really well with the soup and rice; never turn down what a chef recommends.

I am thankful and happy that Mr Edwin Tan has kept the legacy of Soon Lee Stew Beef and garnered recognition in the process. Besides stew beef, you can also order beef soup, herbal mutton soup and vegetables in oyster sauce.

May Soon Lee Stew Beef continue to attain further accolades and gain more followers as more people discover it and come to Alexandra Village Food Centre to enjoy their heritage food.

Thank you for reading Daily Refreshing.

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