Saturday, June 1, 2024

How Are Things With You As At 31 May 2024?

Time is marching on; time and tide await for nobody. 

As you have reached 31 May 2024, it is nigh time to take stock of how you have been doing thus far. Do you still recall your New Year's resolutions for 2024? Is your path full of sunshine and life seems like being in the Garden of Eden?

Maybe you have already accomplished what you set out to do. If that is the case, good for you.

Here are some ideas on what else you might consider making a change and do for the rest of 2024.

1. Take charge of your fitness; rein in your body and shape up.

Click here for 15 Min FULL BODY KETTLEBELL WORKOUT at Home | Caroline Girvan 

2. Practise intermittent fasting; eat only during an 8-hour period in a day, subject to doctor's advice if you have a constraining medical condition. (E.g. Feed on food between 12 pm and 8 pm; and fast from food for the next 16 hours.)

Click here for How Intermittent Fasting Affects Your Body and Brain | The Human Body 

3. Declutter and clean up your dwelling place; get rid of things you are no longer using, and keep your home clean and organised.

Click here for PROVEN✅5 Things to Eliminate from Your Home Immediately - Law of Attraction 

In summary, the 5 things to eliminate are as follows:-

- Clothes you are no longer wearing

- Broken objects (e.g. vase, mirror, etc.)

- Dirty or worn out shoes

- Objects and clothing of deceased people 

- Clutter

4. Come clean; own up to your shortcomings and flaws.

Do not stay the same. Face your blind spots and take the challenge to transform your life by not falling back to your errant ways.

Click here for When We Need To Come Clean | Benny Ho | FCC Online

5. Practice silence and solitude; be still before God, let Him search your heart and speak to you.

Click here for Kong Hee: The Sound of Sheer Silence and fast forward to the message starting from 50min:41sec. 

May 2024 be your best year yet.

Thank you for journeying with me in this life by reading Daily Refreshing.

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