Saturday, September 5, 2015

Borrowing Your Name for a Pleasant Train Ride

In an effort to make train rides more pleasant for commuters, especially during the peak hours, the relevant authority has taken the liberty to borrow your name for this cause, that is, if your name is: Benny, Glenda, Stacey, Martin or Hannah.


One of the pet peeve of train commuters is to see inane fellows who carry their haversack on their back only to see them turn around and about, banging into people unknowingly. 

By putting their bags down like Benny or carrying it in front of them, this unpleasantry of uncalled for knocks could be alleviated.


Imagine alighting from the train, but on-boarding commuters are not giving way. Be like Glenda who gives way to alighting passengers first before boarding the train.


Be like Stacey who stand up and let another person who is more needy have her seat. For examples, a pregnant woman, an elderly, a child and a handicapped person.


Be like Martin who moves in to the centre of the train so that the door area is cleared for other commuters to board or alight with ease. 


In spite of medical reports on the damaging effects of loud music on the ear drums, some ill-informed music lovers are still having a blast, for now. Not so with Hannah who is considerate and tones down the volume of her electronic gadgets.

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