Thursday, December 25, 2014

Ode to Words

Words are the building blocks of communication and they may be either verbalized or written. We share our thoughts and feelings with relative ease through the medium of words although not always perfectly, giving rise to the occasional miscommunication. 

Without words, the alternative would be for us to connect with, say, utterances (think: babies crying for food, attention or changing of diapers), hand gestures, eye movement and facial expression. However, one could well imagine how limiting such modes of communication would be.

Whether spoken or written, words have to be learnt so that users would have a common platform as to their meaning and we could distinguish between, say, an apple from apps, abs, Adam's apple, Newton's apple, apple pie, Apple Computer and Apple Daily. Oh, yes, my dream Apple Boulevard, as well (if there is already one, please let me know).

Words are a necessity of life. They facilitate interpersonal communication, help us to understand others and be understood by them, in turn. 

Of course, there may come a time or stage when we know people who are close to us so well that communication can transcend words and become intuitive. It's like the legendary swordsman who started with a wooden sword, advanced to a metal sword and then reach an advance stage where he could spar without a sword. 

Oh, okay, the aforesaid paragraph may be true of spoken words. For us who write or blog though, we are mere mortals who just have to formulate and dish out the choicest of words in written form.
"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world." -- Robin Williams 
Long live the written words! 

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