Saturday, February 22, 2025

What is Prosperity?


Prosperity, as defined by Webster dictionary, is "the condition of being successful or thriving".

The following expanded definition by Remington Donovan in his book "Prosperity Practices" is for your refreshing:

"Prosperity is different for everybody. It could be money, time, love, health ... the possibilities are endless. 

Some people want more time to enjoy their life. Some people want more money. Some people want more time and more money. Some people want more love. Prosperity for one person might be a beautiful studio apartment in the city of their dreams. For someone else, it might be a mansion in the countryside, a sailing boat, being able to go on mountain hikes or spending time with family anf friends. my intention with this book is to share techniques and practices to help you reach your goals, whatever they may be.

Prosperity, on some level, is a mindset. It's not limited to the things that we have or our material possessions (although these are an important part of prosperity). It relates to the whole of our lives, to our whole spiritual being.

My personal prosperity journey is one of transformation, from despair, depravity, barely surviving, to living generously. I was so poor that I literally had to scrape together change from the deep recesses of my couch just to take a bus, hoping that when I got to my destination I would be able to get a ride home after the event. I know what's it's like to be flat broke and depressed. I felt like I'd never meet anybody, that I'd always be single and didn't deserve the kind of love I longed for. I freakin' get it.

Out of those gnarly negative experiences, I've created a wonderful life. I managed to transform all that desperation into a very successful six-figure income that is growing every year. I married my soul mate and life partner. We have a beautiful baby boy. I've created a living and a business based in things that I love the most. I've  been able to turn my work, which is who I am, into an entirely self-supporting operation. I work for myself. I work with my partner. We live in a crazy-cool house. I seriously never imagined being abkle to call home. We even own a real full-size caboose. I have a car, for which I am grateful. I have learned the value of money. I have learned the value of time. I have learned the value of gratitude and I have definitely learned the value of love. I feel I have more love, money and time than I ever imagined was possible. yet I'm still growing, improving and harnessing more prosperity.

There is no quick fix. There is no cure-all. Everything I'm sharing in this book is what I have applied to my own life that has absolutely worked for me, and I have seen work for others.

My personal story started with needing more love and acceptance. I had to work on creating prosperity daily. The emotional, internal shift eventually led to financial upgrades, which led to greater opportunities. Prosperity adds more prosperity. I cherish now having time to enjoy my life.

When calling in prosperity. I encourage you to look at all the different parts of your life. What are your career goals? What do you seek professionally? Do you need more time? Or love? Or money? Don't compare yourself to other people; just focus on what would make a difference to you now. Where would you like to grow, and what does the life that you want look and feel like? This is personal to you. What do you love to do? Can you imagine yourself making money doing that?

When reading and applying these practices to your life, be open to something bigger and better than you have been imagining. Trust the miracles that come your way. Embrace the beautiful, and sometimes scary, moments of transformation. When you are open to prosperity, you become more prosperous. you were already born a success. It's time to reclaim it."

Click here for "Prosperity Practices" by Remington Donovan.

Thank you for reading Daily Refreshing.

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