Saturday, August 10, 2024

THINK Before You Speak

One of the occupational hazard faced by frontline staff is verbal abuse. To preempt this and protect their staff, business owners would post notices such as "Respect makes for better serving" which would get customers in the queue to reflect and stabilise their temperament, where required, before they interact with the service staff.

The following kitchen advice spotted at AllGood Gourmet, an eatery which serves Malay cuisine, speaks volumes to customers who actually pay attention while processing in their minds what to order for their meals:-


This is brilliant as a good purchase experience will attract the happy customers to come again while the service staff are spared of untruthful, unhelpful, uninspiring, unnecessary and unkind words from out of sorts or disgruntled hungry diners.   

Food for thoughts indeed and not just when we are buying food, but in all of life's situations before we even utter a word.

Thus, before you speak, please think whether it is:

T : True

H : Helpful

I : Inspiring

N : Necessary

K : Kind 

When we speak thoughtfully and circumspectly, the interaction will be all good for everyone.

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