Sunday, August 25, 2024

Changi Beach Park and Changi Bay

Changi Beach Park has much to offer if you are looking for some sun, sea and sand, and it is a just stone's throw away from Changi Village Hawker Centre which was covered in the blog post before this.

Click here for Changi Beach Park.

At this beach you could have activities such as a picnicking, let the children storm the playground, swimming, paddle boarding, kayaking, barbecuing, cycling, fishing and spotting jet planes overhead.

Before heading to the beach, you could pick up some necessary stuffs like bottled drinks, titbits, ground sheets, portable chairs, hats, fishing rods and et cetera from the nearby shops at Changi Village.

Then cross over the blue-and-white bridge to your playground by the sea for an enjoyable time.

Occasionally, you might get to see an ocean-going vessel traversing by, apart  from the usual smaller vessels.

As for airplanes spotting, you will have a field day as they descend in a frequent succession to land at Changi International Airport.

If you are into cycling, you could rent a bike to cycle from here to Changi Bay Park Connector (and beyond onto other park connectors) while enjoying the seaside view.

Changi Bay Point

If you are an avid angler, then Changi Beach and Changi Bay would hold rewarding hauls for you.

Click here for Jeju Island Feels at Changi Bay Point: Guide to Coastal Walk, Changi Bay Park, Cycling and Sea Views

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Changi Village Hawker Centre

Being a food vendor is not a walk in the park as you are on your feet constantly while working in a constrained kitchen environment. It is hard work and often sweaty in a warm-to-hot atmosphere, and very much hands-on as the passion and mastery to produce quality food cannot be delegated or easily replicated.

Here is just a sample of food vendor stalls at Changi Village Hawker Centre to pay tribute to our hardworking hawkers for holding up Singapore food culture for all to enjoy while earning their hard-earned income:-

Click here for Changi Village HC Archives.

Click here for The 23 Best Stalls to Try in Changi Village Hawker Centre. 

While you are at Changi Village HC, you might just be able to catch some good vibes when the following team of musicians are busking.

Have a refreshing day ahead with fruit cocktails on ice jelly from Changi Village HC.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Certainties In Life

There are certainties in life such as the sun rising from the East and setting on the West. 

However, some certainties in life did not outlast the passage of time. For example, our predecessors really thought that the Earth was flat until it was disproved. And, who would have thought that we could have a smartphone and not just a wireless telephone?

Conventional wisdom tells us that the usual list of life's certainties includes: taxes, aging and death.

Heavenly wisdom adds to the list of certainties that God and the Word of God will endure forever.

"But You, O Lord, shall endure forever, And the remembrance of Your name to all generations. Psalm 102:12 (NKJV)"

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. Matthew 24:35 (NKJV)"

It is thus imperative for us to know God and His Word, and live out the truths of His Word so that we could be with Him forever even after we have passed on in our mortal bodies. 

Click here for your quest to know God.

Click here for The Knowledge Of God | Ps Benny Ho

Click here for How to receive the Word (James 1:19-27) | Benny Ho | FCC Online 

Who We Are With Rachel Lim

Learning from other people's experiences and insights is one of the best way for us to learn more about ourselves and discover what is our truest self -- the person we want to become, and finding our purpose and meaning in life.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Indeed, "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17 (NKJV)"

"Who We Are With Rachel Lim" is a series of podcasts which you would find refreshing as you will be able to draw positive vibes from each episode and enrich your own journey in life.

As gleaned from Wikipedia, "Rachel Lim (born 21 May 1987) is a Singaporean entrepreneur. She is the co-founder and chief brand officer of the home-grown fashion label, Love, Bonito. In 2016, she was the only Singaporean featured on the Forbes Asia ‘30 Under 30’ list in the retail and e-commerce sector. As of September 2020, she has over 111,000 followers on Instagram."

Here is a sample of "Who We Are With Rachel Lim" for your refreshing:- 

Click here for Building A Thriving Career, Marriage & Family with Tan Su Shan | RachReflects Episode 09

Click here for 
Lessons from the Harvard's Longest Study on Happiness with Dr. Robert Waldinger | Who We Are EP13 

For more insights on Rachel Lim, please feel free to check out other channels such as the following sample:-

Click here for Embracing the Power Within with Rachel Lim | The Lavendaire Lifestyle

Click here for 
E-Commerce Entrepreneur Rachel Lim Of Love, Bonito On Building Her Fashion Empire

Click here to visit Love, Bonito 

THINK Before You Speak

One of the occupational hazard faced by frontline staff is verbal abuse. To preempt this and protect their staff, business owners would post notices such as "Respect makes for better serving" which would get customers in the queue to reflect and stabilise their temperament, where required, before they interact with the service staff.

The following kitchen advice spotted at AllGood Gourmet, an eatery which serves Malay cuisine, speaks volumes to customers who actually pay attention while processing in their minds what to order for their meals:-


This is brilliant as a good purchase experience will attract the happy customers to come again while the service staff are spared of untruthful, unhelpful, uninspiring, unnecessary and unkind words from out of sorts or disgruntled hungry diners.   

Food for thoughts indeed and not just when we are buying food, but in all of life's situations before we even utter a word.

Thus, before you speak, please think whether it is:

T : True

H : Helpful

I : Inspiring

N : Necessary

K : Kind 

When we speak thoughtfully and circumspectly, the interaction will be all good for everyone.