Monday, February 3, 2020

Gratitude Challenge - Day 5 (Night)

"Gratitude is a powerful process for shifting your energy and bringing more of what you want into your life. Be grateful for what you already have and you will attract more good things. If you just study this one word "gratitude" every day for a month, I guarantee that your life will shift." --Bob Proctor

Join me on this one-month journey to practise "gratitude" on a daily basis and see how it would impact your life. You could keep a journal or blog of your own, and post your comments below.

For Day 5, let's be thankful for Night.

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash
At the end of each day the golden sunset disappears from the horizon and ushers in the night. 

If you live in the city chances are that the tall buildings and lights all around will shield you from the night sky above. Try going to an open field where it is bereft of bright lights, stand still and look up (don't walk while looking up, seriously, to avoid untold damages).

You will then realise that the silent night resonates a sound of it own (the sound of silence) and emits a pulsating energy. There is so much out there in the outer space besides the the usual sun and moon. Watch the flicker of lights from distant stars and be amazed that this twinkle-twinkle little stars may appear small, but in reality they can be 100 times bigger than the sun (which is an average sized star).

Saved for those who have to toil at night such as fishermen, nurses and security personnel, the quietness and darkness of night spells rest and relaxation as you wind down for a good night's sleep.

Take some time to be still, review what had transpired during the day and take note of what you can learn from it so that you can do better the next day. Then hit the sack and let your mind and body rejuvenate after a long day of waking hours.


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