Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Fireworks Will Come

In the darkness of night or the darkness of your soul, that's the place to never forget that the fireworks will come. 

The champion on the inside of you is like a boxer who keeps training and roll with the punches that life throws at you. You stay in the ring and keep getting up again and again, and guard your thoughts, above all, with dictums such as  "Do Not Give Up" and "Keep Getting Up 7 Times and More".

A good way to make it through the night is by making small changes which could well go a long way. Consider steering the small rudder of a boat or ship by making just a little degree of adjustment and you can surely see that the vessel will in the long run reach a different port of call altogether.

Do not despise the small changes or small beginnings. Make some changes if you are not heading where you wanna to be or if you are not making any progress. 

Your efforts to adjust your daily habits will slowly but surely lead you to a choice belvedere from which you can catch some fireworks as you relish your progress and success.

Remember, the days and nights may be long, but the years are always short with hindsight. For example, if you are now a working adult you can recall how how long the days were as a student when you had to plough through piles of  homework and prepare for the examinations. Yet, the years had elapsed at the twinkling of an eye.

The fireworks show that dreams do come true and you will have your moment of elations and jubilations if you set yourself up for it. You would not know whether you will pass the audition, ace that job interview or clinch that business opportunity. But, you stay in contention and never stop believing in fireworks.

After the night, dawn breaks and you will have a beautiful morning. When winter is over, spring will not delay. 

Daily Refreshing wishes you a deeper appreciation of life as you get passed your long nights, noting that we don't always appreciate life when things are easy until we have faced and overcome difficulties. 

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