Saturday, March 9, 2019

Things Are Happening For Your Good

If you lose control of your drone and crash it into a glasshouse there will be a consequential shattering effect. Likewise, when your Grab or Uber driver made a wrong turn while exiting from your condominium, his vehicle might just end up taking a dip in the swimming pool.

A foolhardy or careless action will end in a hot soup kinda consequence. But, even when you have acted with reasonable finesse and due diligence, things may not turn out the way you have expected. Do you then respond with the thought that things are going against you rather than for you?

The biggie is this: What if you hold the perspective that things are all happening for your good as a blessing in disguise like a well wrapped gift or opportunity? When you do not allow the situation to master you and hold you captive, you can dig in and adjust your sails to harness possible avenues of solutions and get over or through this hurdle.

Be proactive. When you find yourself thinking that the problem is "out there", stop. What is between your ears is the problem. That thought is the problem. As the late Stephen R. Covey has observed, "We are responsible for our own effectiveness, for our own happiness, and ultimately, I would say, for most of our circumstances."

Now is a good time as any to revisit "The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey and apply them afresh in your life intentionally for your greater happiness.

In gist, the 7 habits are as follows:

I) Self-mastery or Private Victory which moves you from dependence to independence

Habit 1  : Be proactive
Habit 2  : Begin with the end in mind
Habit 3  : Put first things first

II) People-mastery or Public Victory which moves you from independence to interdependence

Habit 4  : Think win-win
Habit 5  : Seek first to understand, then to be understood
Habit 6  : Synergise

III)  Continuous improvement that circles and embodies all the other habits

Habit 7  : Sharpen the saw

You are not a victim of life's circumstances. You are wired on the inside to be a victor or champion of your own life: a light, not a judge; a model not a critic; a part of the solution, not part of the problem; a resourceful person, not a person of low self-esteem. Your awakening is never too late.  

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