Saturday, February 2, 2019

Do you really need to wear a watch?

If the purpose of a wrist watch is to tell you the time of the day, do you really need to wear one when your smartphone or computer can already fulfill this need?

One would have thought that watches would be phased out or sidelined. On the contrary, not only are people still buying watches or eyeing their first Rolex, but they are also spoilt for choice with the advent of smart watches.

What is the draw of a watch? How would your ideal watch look like? Daily Refreshing opined that the concept of time is one of the main drawing power behind our romance with watches. 

Time is subjective to human beings. When we are running late, time moves so fast. Time is slow when we are waiting for our turn at the bank. Also, we wish that the good times would last longer and the suffering or problematic seasons would be shortened. 

However, time in itself appears to be objective and moves with constant consistency. It is no respecter of persons or seasons. 

Mathematically, time equals distance divided by speed; lapse of time in a journey from point A to B, or passage of time between two events or conditions.

As it it, the experts are still putting forth deep concepts of time such as non-linear or cyclic time, time-warp, space-time and so forth. It is so deep that the some, including Albert Einstein, had thrown in the spanner -- that time is a persistent illusion!

Now, wouldn't it be fascinating to encapsulate the concept of time in a contraption that you can wear on your wrist and reflect your personal expression of time?! (Hint: you need to wear a watch, man, woman, boy and girl.)

With Valentine's Day looming, watches will be flying off the shelves powered by timely phrases such as "The time for love is now", "Let your moments be full of love" and "Love can be perfected with time".

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