Sunday, December 2, 2018

Are You Getting Smarter?

What has a tap got to do with whether or not you are becoming smarter? 

Read on. 

This used to be a pretty cool tap which is turned on automatically whenever the sensor detects your hands.

The following newbie version of a smarter tap has just been launched and could well replace the first generation of the good ol' smart tap as we know it.

So-called smart technology is encroaching quickly into our lives whether we like it or not. It has affected us in a myriad of ways such as taking an App-enabled alternative private hire car rather than hailing a conventional taxi, accessing entertainment (e.g. music and movies) via internet rather than CD and cable, or having our food cooked by a robot rather than a human (just as smart machines have been washing our clothes and cooking our rice).

And, when even the public toilet is not spared of this smart revolution, it would be worrisome if humans do not embrace a lifestyle to grow and keep learning so as to develop our thinking faculty besides just learning how to use new technology.

No doubt a dumbwaiter is small lift that is used to carry objects rather than people. But those dumb machines are getting smarter such as the aforesaid even-smarter tap.

Yes, there are talks of smarter nations, as well. The use of new technologies puts the spotlight on how much smarter machines have become and they are actually dumbing people. One fine day, people could lose their handwriting skill, and have lesser cognitive skills to solve problems and make decisions.

A smart nation is only as smart as the brainpower, artistic expression, vocational skills (including IT) plus the soft skills of its people.

Thus, it is high time for us to get smarter by accessing books, learn new stuffs online, attend accredited courses, hangout with your smarter contacts and find a mentor.

Btw, if you are smart enough, you could seize this golden opportunity to develop an App or online tool for people to learn something new regularly on an aspect of personal development with follow-through exercises and potentially provide a service that is useful and economically-viable.

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