The Importance of Taking Action
By: Daniel N. Brown
Enjoying a good life is common to us all. We all want the same things, good health, positive relationships, fulfilling career, and enough money to live comfortably. But, there are others that want a life of abundance and prosperity. These are the ones that have dreams of doing great things, having successful businesses, visiting interesting places, meeting extraordinary people, and having the ability to help others financially.
If you are going to enjoy a life of abundance and prosperity it will require some action. This should be obvious. But, sometimes the obvious is frequently overlooked.
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You didn't get to where you are today without taking some sort of action. So, it makes sense that if you have a vision in your head about where you would like to be in the future, it will require action.
The problem with most people is, even though they may have the knowledge to do some particular thing, they lack putting the necessary action behind that knowledge.
We often hear that "knowledge is power." But, knowledge is really only power in reserve. It remains useless if it's not tapped into by applying action. Knowledge that is not put to action remains just knowledge in your head and provides no benefit. It's completely wasted.
To accomplish results, we must couple our knowledge with the necessary action to attain results. The formula for achieving results is: Knowledge x Action = Result. If you were to apply massive action to your knowledge, it would have a faster, and even greater impact on your life.
Why is it that most people find it difficult to put the necessary action behind their knowledge? I believe it is nothing more than a lack of belief.
Your belief system is the driving force behind your behaviors and your results. If you can change your beliefs, you will change your behaviors. When you change your behaviors, you will change your results. Then, when you change your results, you will change your life.
It all starts with your belief system. Jesus said, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes" (Mark 9:23).
Now, many things can keep one from believing. But, I think the biggest factor that keeps one from believing is fear. It is a fact that it takes courage to succeed. But, keep in mind that courage isn't the absence of fear, it's the ability to press on despite the presence of fear. Many times, the solution to any fear is simply to do the thing you fear. It's amazing how the fear will disappear!
The smallest of actions, even the ones that seem trivial and insignificant, can lead to great success. It's been said that, "Actions, like pictures, are worth a thousand words."
Without action, you could have the greatest idea and the greatest plan in the world and you would still fail. Whereas a modest idea and an incomplete plan often produces success when accompanied by enough action.
You just got to get moving. Sir Isaac Newton's principle that states a "body at rest tends to remain at rest and a body in motion tends to remain in motion," definitely applies to the action principle. Once you've taken the first step, the next steps seem easier to take.
It's a natural law that if you do nothing, nothing will happen; if you take minimum action, results are going to be minimal; but, if you take massive action, then you will be rewarded with massive results. Hugely successful people, the kind who go from mediocre to millions almost overnight, know that the major key to their success was taking massive action.
If you want to become hugely successful you must start at the beginning. Most beginnings are small, and appear trivial and insignificant, but in reality they are extremely important.
It's not only the right beginning that is important, it's beginning in the first place. It's about applying that powerful little six-letter-word called "action."
Author Bio
Daniel N. Brown is an entrepreneur and teacher of biblical success principles. Get your FREE report entitled, "How to Receive from God" when you sign up for your FREE weekly newsletter.