Thursday, May 15, 2014

Ever Thought You Could Fly?

Today I am reminded again that our thoughts are precious and powerful. 

Our thought are precious because, come to think of it, the battle for our life is for our mind. If the advertisers, for example, can captivate our mind and imagination, they can by extension reach for our time (watch that movie) or money (buy that meal). 

And, the battle of our mind is for focus. What are we giving in to by way of distraction? Or what kind of goal or target are we fixing our mind on?

If we can reign in or direct our thoughts according to our best intentions, we could be well on our way to a greater and better tomorrow for ourselves and others beside.

This brings me to just how powerful our thoughts are. Some people still have thoughts that people should be given wings literally. I think if God the Creator think that we had needed wings, He would have given them to us. 

Yet, in spite of being wingless and eyeing how birds could fly, mankind pursuit of flight became a reality. From a thought we now have Airbuses and Dreamliners taking flight daily and round the clock.

What's your dream or breakthrough idea? It can be done if you can first see it. Our thoughts are precious and powerful indeed. When facing an obstacle or challenge, do not be frightful. Choose to fight for your dream. That's a thought, to begin with, as you would have observed with hindsight.

O, the power of a made-up and focused mind.

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