Sunday, March 21, 2010

Don't Sit On a Problem

Sitting on a problem will not make it go away. It is like sweeping the problem under a carpet or locking up some skeletons in a closet.

Unlike worrying -- which by majority count is virtual or imaginary, problems are real. Once a problem is identified -- which in and by itself contributes half of the full solution, we can choose either a ‘fight’ or ‘flight’ response.

Taking a screen-view from many a computer game -- where we keep getting up and fight, again and again, albeit with the help of the reset button, we ought to choose to fight a good fight of faith and not throw in the towel, so to speak.

If our mind is not thinking straight and we could sense an impending headache on account of the problem, then do ourselves a big favour by getting some sleep. More often than not, we will find that by the morrow our mind would have worked out something.

Another solution to our problem, if it concerns other interest parties, would be to convey the problem to them. Quite often by speaking out, our inner ear will hear what we have been thinking and gives an added dimension to our perception of the problem and brings us closer to a solution even if our ‘interested’ persons are switched off.

If it’s an e-mail, then just forward it to the relevant parties with due discretion without any adverse implication to our person. Like they say, a problem shared is a problem halved.

And, if we are fortunate enough to have some of these a-friend-who-loves-at-all-times, then wait no longer but get our problem to them via telephone, e-mail, et cetera. They will be pleased to assist us! It is one of their life purposes!!

So, while we may sleep over our problem, let’s not be caught sitting on it.

P/S: Btw, i've got just these two little problems: Does anyone has any idea on how we can recycle the short end of pencils as well as keys which are no longer in use?

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