Love is blind. When two people are in love with each other, they live in a fairytale and see only a bed of roses as well as a promised Rose Garden.
Oh, yes, they will invariably profess and confess their undying love for each other .
Photo by Carly Rae Hobbins on Unsplash |
You will in all probability discover how true your love is for your life partner and vice versa only in the course of time. There are degrees of purity in love (think gold).
Some may regard marriage as a contract where everything would be fine as long as both parties abide by the terms and conditions. Strictly speaking, if there is no provision for redemption or forgiveness when one party falters, the contract is voidable.
Some may marry for wealth, fame, companionship or beauty. What if your spouse loses fortune, status, health or youthfulness? Would your commitment to love and feeling of love still persist?
Some others may marry for a gamut of unimaginable misplaced reasons such as "all my friends are doing it and I don't want to be the odd one out".
The purest form of love would be a biblical covenant or bond to share, collaborate and help each other for life along the lines of "for richer or poorer, in health or sickness, till death do us part".
It's not about 'I', 'me' and 'mine' only. Rather it's about 'us' and the example as well as legacy 'we' leave behind for our children to pick-up on.
That said, both parties gotta love each other enough to stay engaged with open communication and resolve to be a positive contributor to make the marriage refreshing for the other and vice versa.
Yes, you can still find true love, but you have a part to play to make it easier for your partner to be over the moon with happiness so as to uphold the marriage with freshness and liveliness.
Click here for a dose of Taylor Swift's "Love Story" even as you are writing out your own in real life.