Saturday, June 7, 2014

Hero (Part 2) defines a hero as "a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities". And, defines a heroine as:
1. A woman noted for courage and daring action.
2. A woman noted for special achievement in a particular field.
3. The principal female character in a novel, poem, or dramatic presentation.

Jason Chee, who returned to work with the Republic of Singapore Navy as an operations supervisor in June 2014, is one such outstanding hero. In December 2012 he met with a horrific accident on board a warship when he got caught between a motorised winch and one of the berthing ropes. Consequently, he lost both his legs, his left arm, and three fingers of his right hand. As part of his recovery and rehabilitation, he had even taken up table tennis and represented Singapore. Click here to view images of Jason and read more of his story.

When the storms of life come, we need to be supple enough to bend with the wind, stand our ground, take the beating with staying power and not break. When a person bounces back from a setback to where he was before, that's resilience. However, a hero is one who is able to go beyond resilience and come out stronger from the ordeal.

According to research done by experts, they have identified the following characteristics of a hero:

a) Religiousness -- belief in a God who cares;
b) Gratitude -- thankfulness, which is likened to be an emotional reboot button;
c) Kindness -- attitude of how can I be a blessing to others?; 
d) Hope -- the leading indicator of all successes; and
e) Courage -- bravery to move forward or move on.

As we can see, our mind is very powerful indeed. Our thoughts and attitude -- mental health or strength, could really help us to overcome life's challenges and keep on dreaming of a better and greater life. 

In a recent discourse with my immediate superior on Jason's courage, she spoke of The Secret written by Rhonda Byrne on how we can achieve anything we want (e.g., health, wealth and happiness). Piqued, I proceeded to get a copy of from a bookstore which was having a sale. The shop assistant said that it was out of stock, but ventured to say that they have "Hero". For a moment, I really thought that she was pulling a fast one on me. With a modicum of faith I played along and approached the shelves she was pointing towards. I scanned the shelves for a while before I could locate "Hero" which was packaged like "The Secret".

It proved to be great and inspiring reading; value for money and time. it is easy to read and contains a mine of wisdom nuggets from twelve individuals, including Rhonda herself, who have taken the Hero's Journey and are living their dream life. I agree with Rhonda that we have within us all that we need to discover the hero within us and live out our dream.

Please allow me to leave you with this hook from the inside cover: "Imagine if there was a map that showed you how to get from where you are now to the most brilliant, rich, fulfilling, and dazzling life you could ever dream of having. Imagine that this map showed you every step of the journey to that life; realizing your greatest dream, how to find the way over obstacles, how to overcome challenges, defy the odds, and how you already have every powerful ability and quality you need to be victorious on your journey.

You are holding in your hands such a map. This is the map for your life -- this is the map to greatness.

Twelve of the most successful people living in the world today have followed this map. They share their seemingly impossible journeys, and reveal that each of us was born with everything we need to live our greatest dream, and that by doing so we will fulfill our mission, find everlasting happiness, and literally change the world.

This is why you are here on planet Earth."

 For more information about "Hero" by Rhonda Byrne, please visit

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