Saturday, September 30, 2023

Crossover from "Got to" to "Get to"

When you were still a child, you would have felt that you "got to" to do your homework and study to pass your exams. If you were living in a remote village up in the mountains without a school, teacher or textbooks (no need to mention computers), your perspective towards getting an education would be a total turnaround to "get to" become literate and trained to be a lifelong learner.

If you are a teenager or young adult, the anxiety brought on by social media are hard to avoid and make you feel like you "got to" keep up with your peers as they share their holidays, merchandises, talents and so forth. Switch your mind and see that "you get" to live your best life yet without the need to mimic somebody else or change your taste or preferences just to fit in. 

Your true friends and those who truly care about you are those who accept you just the way you are and encourage you to be a better version of yourself. You "get to" be your true self and make your contribution towards making life better and sweeter in your signature and unique ways.

As a working adult, you might lament having "got to" work so hard just to pay the bills. If there was a recession, some companies might suffer financial difficulties and incur losses with adverse consequences such as retrenchment and insolvency.

With a "get to" mentality, you would appreciate your job on hand and get things done with diligence and finesse (and banish the gossiping and griping). Get on the bright side by creating your desired future and radiating it along the way.

When you are aging gracefully, you might feel that you "got to" do the chores of consulting the medical doctors and taking your medicine. The good news is that you "get to" be alive still with access to medical facility and medication to alleviate the perils of old age.

From the above scenarios you could see the benefits of choosing "get to" over "got to" notwithstanding that the circumstances are the same. Yes, if you flip your thoughts to "get to", you would see a whole new world that is full of hope and gratitude. 

Another way to look at this to change yourself from a passive or frustrated state to a passionate state.

Click here for How to IMMEDIATELY Change Your Mental State - Tony Robbins Motivation

Be patient, my dear Readers. Your best days and years are still ahead of you as you stay optimistic and write your story with passionate intention.


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