Saturday, February 1, 2020

Gratitude Challenge - Day 4 (Morning)

"Gratitude is a powerful process for shifting your energy and bringing more of what you want into your life. Be grateful for what you already have and you will attract more good things. If you just study this one word "gratitude" every day for a month, I guarantee that your life will shift." --Bob Proctor

Join me on this one-month journey to practise "gratitude" on a daily basis and see how it would impact your life. You could keep a journal or blog of your own, and post your comments below.

For Day 4, let's be thankful for Morning.

As planet Earth stays in its orbit and rotates on it axis, the morning sun will show up after dawn to let you know that it is a brand new day for you to start on a clean slate.

Tomorrow is gone forever and never coming back save for the memory thereof. Even when it is cloudy or raining, the sun is still shining out there albeit out of sight until the sky clears up. 

Every morning is potentially a good morning if you have had a good night's rest and you are able to adapt and go with the flow as the day unfolds. Best of all, you get to break your fast and enjoy your first meal of the day with your favourite cuppa. Coffee, anyone?

If you are a morning person you would get to enjoy the many benefits of getting up early such as a relatively comfortable and shorter commute to your school or workplace due to the lesser traffic. Like they say, the early bird catches the worm.

When it comes to weekends or public holidays, mornings would mean a break from your weekday routine and you can do things differently such as sleeping-in, going for a round of golf and shopping for groceries. 

Make your mornings count; live in the moment without grudging and set yourself up for a wonderful day.

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