Friday, June 21, 2019

What Does It Mean To Sharpen Your Saw?

You are like a saw. If you are not sharp through regular sharpening, you will not be able to live out your full potential optimally. 

Recalling 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy', it does not mean that Jack is boring or uninteresting. The salient truth is that Jack is jaded and not alert cognitively in his thinking and reasoning. If he does not sharpen his saw, he will be blunt and cut no ice.

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

Sharpening the saw is not just about taking a holiday or taking a break. That is only like putting down the saw which is still blunt when you pick it up again.

According to Dr Stephen Covey in his famed "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" book, you can renew yourself and improve your production capacity by taking care of the following 4 dimensions of your life:

1. Physical (exercise, nutrition, stress management);
2. Mental (reading, visualizing, planning, writing);
3. Social / Emotional (service, empathy, synergy, intrinsic security); and
4. Spiritual (value clarification & commitment, study & meditation).

When you are actively making regular time (habitually)  to cultivate and develop these 4 dimensions of your life, you will grow and expand in your capacity to handle stress, find balance and be more effective.

Click here to read Steve Pavlina's insightful article on the important habit of "Sharpen the Saw".

May you be sharp, my friend, and make your cut in your ambition and pursuit. 

Thank you for reading Daily Refreshing.

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