Monday, November 9, 2015

Lunch is a Wrap

Bred on a staple diet of rice, I never imagined myself to come around and "Eat Fresh" as championed by the likes of Subway. You could say I am an accidental consumer of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Recently, while recovering from a bout of flu, I figured that my body needed the nutrients to heal itself while taking my prescribed medication. After all, the medicine will only alleviate the symptoms and it is the body itself which needed to fight off the ailments and recover.

Thus, I went for fresh juices such as ABC (apple, beetroot and carrot or celery) and Green Apple with sour plum. Also, that was when I started a-looking to make a lunch switchover to fresh vegetables. 

However, I found that a box of salad would be somewhat cumbersome to pick through. Can you imagine the number of times one would have to pick on the vegetables, literally, before are they cleaned off? I can and know that it gives me no pleasure (contrary to the preference of 'picky-loving' folks).

Also, it would be quite tricky, as well, on your shirt when the vegetables flick their dressing unwittingly when you crunch on them. Voila, the wrap!

A warp is able to, well, wrap all of your selected vegetables into a nifty roll in a compact manner and allow you to consume it all within a few bites and much less chewing than a similar 'naked' salad. If you ask me, I think this is a fuss-free and efficient way to eat fresh vegetables.      

Oh, by the way, snacking on fresh fruits and vegetables would be, hands down, healthier than processed food such as chips and sugar drinks.  

It's time to stock up our fridge with vegetables and fruits and choose a diet that feature more of them for a healthier body. They make great snacks, too!

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