Saturday, May 7, 2022

Take Care of the Little Things

In our current age, the old adage of 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' may no longer in fashion, but there is no denying that we need the nutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables for a healthy life. Remember the sailors in our history books who died from scurvy due to Vitamin C deficiency in their diet?

Surely, you have also heard of drinking seven cups of water a day. It is water and does not allude to copious consumption of other liquids laden with sugar which would spur detrimental side-effects such as obesity and diabetes. 

While mineral salts are essential, you would hear ever so often to cut back your sodium intake. But, could you imagine french fries or potato chips minus the salt? On the other hand, if you don't steer clear of excessive salt intake, you know that you would dread the build up of blood pressure and related consequences.

Then there is the lack of discipline to get enough sleep which ranges from 7.5 hour to 9 hours for adults depending on your age. To check that you are getting enough sleep based on your sleeping time or waking time, you may wish to check out this sleep calculator at 

Also, you might wanna get a copy of the following paperback tome on "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker. 

Mr Walker presses home the importance of sleep. Consider this excerpt: "Based on a rich, new scientific understanding of sleep, we no longer have to ask what sleep is good for. Instead, we are now forced to wonder whether there are any biological functions that do not benefit by a good night's sleep. Emerging from this research renaissance is an unequivocal message: sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day ..."

Other little things that you need to take care of are books borrowed from the library. More importantly, be mindful to show gestures of love and forgiveness to the imperfect people who are in your life on a daily basis.

It is the little foxes that spoil the vines. As you take care of these little 'hygiene' factors, you will be avert big issues which may arise through their neglect. Don't overlook the little things. Take care of them and they will take care of you, in return.

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